Robin and Linda Williams: Burying The Lead

Dear Friends,

We're back! Did you miss us? We've been quiet here the last couple of months but, as the Subject Line indicates, there's a reason. And - we'll get to that later.

We haven't traveled any since we got back from the Kerrville Folk Festival in early June. Kerrville was great and we saw outstanding performances by Verlon Thompson, Shawn Camp and Rodney Crowell. It was especially fun to get to visit with Rodney whom we knew in Nashville when we were all starting out.

But we have gotten some stuff done. For one thing, we did some work around the place and now have off street parking in our back yard and a sidewalk to our back door. It's nice not to have to lug everything - groceries, instruments, etc - up two sets of steps from the street. Go ahead, call us old and grumpy, we can take it. The project has left us with some landscaping questions to be settled and we plan on hiring an arbitrator to help us with those.

For another thing, we sold the traveling vehicle we've used on the road for the last eight or nine years. Since we're not traveling with two other musicians anymore it seemed a luxury we didn't need. We've replaced it with a nice, used SUV that makes folks think we're the Secret Service when we drive up. It's got comfortable seats, a really nice sound system, a camera for backing up and a lot of other bells and whistles that cause us to constantly refer to the owners manual to find out how to use them. But now we can get into parking garages and we don't to worry about the height of tunnels or motel entrances. Plus, we've doubled our gas mileage and it's fun to drive. So bring on the road trips.

And our first outing in August will be a real doozy, to the Oak Grove Music Festival, twelve miles away. We helped found this festival 41 years ago and, though our official involvement (booking it, providing the sound system and performing) ended after 10 years, they have continued to book us from time to time. The feelings we have about the OGMF must be similar to those a proud parent has for a child. We helped get it started but it has continued on without us in fine style, not an easy task for a small festival. Any of you who are close by should try and attend. It's special. In the meantime we'll be resting up for the drive.

We spend time each day working on music. In May we started a new recording with our friend Kevin McNoldy and we'll get with him in August to do some more work. We feel fortunate to have music play such a big part in our lives, especially at this time. Nothing in the world may seem to be making sense but, when we play music, the insanity all fades away. The writing is hard but, as Rodney Crowell said last month, "what else would we do?"

And now, to the Subject Line. Our "lead story" lately has been Linda's 30 month battle with noncompliant and mutinous body joints, the total number of surgeries being seven and the last being in June. Because we both are reluctant to insert our personal lives into these emails we have tried, in this forum, to stay clear of health issues. You, after all have signed on here because you like our music, which does not mean you have to hear about our every ache and pain. But, if ever there is a time to mention such things, it's now. As of yesterday, Linda has finally been cleared by all doctors to enter back into life and is now free to triumphantly leave behind the world of wheel chairs, knee scooters, walkers and, as soon as she feels like it, her cane. She still has to do some rehabilitation on her hip but that's news to be welcomed and she's looking forward to getting strong and ready for an active life. Now, it's "pay back time" for Robin and Linda. We couldn't have handled all this without our friends.

Bumper Sticker Of The Month: I tried to catch some fog. But I mist.

With gigs coming up we've got to start thinking of some snappy things to say on our social media pages that'll make folks go, "Hey, we need to go see Robin and Linda;" We are going to try and get good at it as our plans are to be out and around in the fall (check the tour schedule, plus we'll be in the Pacific Northwest in March and have tentative plans for Texas in February. If you need us to come to your town, please contact She's a nice person and would love to hear from you.

Robin saw a lot of live music in July. He recommends everyone go out and see a show.

Your pals,
Robin and Linda
FOR BOOKINGS: Trish Galfano, 919.967.8655