Robin and Linda Williams: February 2023

Robin and Linda Write: Dear Friends,
We snapped into reality this morning when we realized this is the 50th time we've said Happy Valentine's Day to each other. Wow! 50 years? Time to take a deep breath, Robin and Linda.

Those thoughts led us to a couple more commemorations this year which are indelibly etched-in-our-brains: first, our wedding anniversary in June, and second, a now-forgotten exact date in early September when we took off on our first gigs as Robin and Linda Williams. We don't spend much time pondering the many roads we've traveled and experiences we've had, mainly and thankfully because the half-century journey is on-going. But today we are thankful for the fun, full-to-the-brim, life in music we've had. May it last forever.

We're enjoying the winter of 2023 in our old, warm house, the quietness of which only gets broken up by our addiction to college basketball. But, at the same time, we're working on ideas for the rest of the year. Specifically, we're getting new material together and making plans to record again with our main man, Kevin McNoldy as co-producer. Wer'e also fine-tuning some songs we wrote many years ago for a musical, "Streets of Gold," which now, thanks to our friend and playwright, Mary Sue Price, is back on the front burner. Wer'e also working intensely with the good folks at Myriad Artists on where and when we want to go out and play live shows. The calendar is looking good, and we'll be sure to keep you apprised as more dates come in. Playing shows is what we like to do most of all and, as you've heard us say before, "live music makes you smarter."

All this planning is time consuming but, if nothing else, it keeps us out of trouble. And if the team's efforts pan out, then 2023 will be a banner year.

Bumper Sticker of the Month: Don't be banging your shin against a stool that's not in the way.

Happy Valentines' Day to you all. We're glad it's around. It would be nice if there were more days that celebrate romance and love and offer folks an opportunity to open their hearts to giving. Let's all work on that.

Your pals,
Robin and Linda

FOR BOOKINGS: Trish Galfano,, 919.967.8655